Here you’ll find instructions for our Adhesive Bandage Aftercare, Painless Tattoo Numbing Cream application and Basic Tattoo Aftercare.
Adhesive Bandage Aftercare
Keep the first bandage on, applied by your artist, for at least 18-24 hours, depending on how much the wound weeps overnight. You can replace it in 18-24 hours, especially if it has collected significant fluid. *It’s fine if there is some plasma/blood/lymph fluid buildup under the bandage, and you can leave it longer than 24 hours*. If there is not much build up, feel free to leave the bandage on for a few days.
Cut and trim new bandage to fit the tattoo, include extra space around all sides. TIP: Cutting the edges of the bandage to be round will help it adhere better and feel more comfortable.
Remove the first bandage. Find an edge of the bandage and peel it back over itself in the direction of hair growth. The shower is the ideal place for removal. Soapy running water will help loosen the adhesive and relax the skin, making the removal much more comfortable. Removing it in the shower is best. Dry removal may add trauma to the skin.
Discard the used bandage and wash the tattoo with a mild, fragrance-free antibacterial soap. Allow the tattoo to air dry or pat dry with a fresh paper towel. The bandage will not adhere to wet skin.
Remove the white paper backing from the sticky side first and place gently over the clean and dried tattoo, smoothly, trying to limit any air pockets. A few pockets or wrinkles aren't detrimental, but try to get it smooth. Once the adhesive side of the bandage is in place, firmly smooth edges, and peel back the grid top layer. Smooth the edges of the flexible bandage once more and you're done!
Apply the second bandage by following the application steps listed above. Keep this second bandage on for 3-6 days – (a week of total bandage time is ideal). If the bandage is coming off, it’s okay to remove it sooner rather than later, and proceed with traditional tattoo aftercare. If you think the bandage should be removed for any reason, remove it.
Once the bandage is removed, if there is no flaking or peeling present, make sure the tattoo stays moisturized during the final stage of healing. 2-3 times per day with a restorative moisturizer is recommended. If it is flaking, wash and moisturize 3-4 times daily.
If there is no flaking, you may resume all normal activity EXCEPT direct sun exposure, which is still 6-8 weeks. It's okay to submerge, but protect it with clothing, not just sunscreen, for the first 2 months for quality healing.
**If during the first 24 hours you notice any irritation from the bandage itself on non-tattooed areas, follow removal steps and wash the tattoo thoroughly before resuming traditional aftercare. If the skin irritation outside the tattooed area doesn't clear up overnight, contact your artist. Most people with adhesive allergies are aware, but don't allow the bandage itself to irritate the tattoo if it is irritating the unbroken skin.**
Painless Tattoo Numbing Cream
DON’T DRINK ANY FORM OF ALCOHOL within 24 hours of Tattooing, or the numbing may not be as effective or long lasting. Spot test the cream on a small area that’ll be tattooed in advance, especially if you have sensitive skin. Apply a small amount to ensure that your skin doesn’t become inflamed. Some minor localized redness is normal.
1. Wash and exfoliate the area to be tattooed, lasered or pierced thoroughly with soap, water and exfoliator to remove dirt and dead skin this will help the cream penetrate. Dry area completely.
2. Apply a moderate amount of numbing cream (2mm thick) to the area and rub in thoroughly.
3. Cover with plastic wrap. The heat under the plastic wrap helps activate the cream and keeps the cream from drying out.
4. Leave cream and wrap in place for a minimum of 30-45 minutes before procedure. Any more than 50 minutes shortens the time in which it is affective, and can irritate the skin beyond the ability to tattoo. Do not leave cream on for up to but not longer than 45 minutes.
5. After 45 minutes, remove the cling film, wipe the cream away with paper towel and clean the area thoroughly once more. You’re ready for your pain free tattoo!
Basic Standard Tattoo Aftercare
Remove bandage between 30 minutes and 2 hours. You won’t typically re-bandage.
Wash your hands FIRST then your tattoo with antibacterial soap.
Pat dry and apply a thin layer of unscented moisturizer and work it into the skin until absorbed.
Repeat this process 4 to 6 times daily, 1-2 weeks until your tattoo has completely finished any flaking or peeling.
DO NOT: pick, scratch, slap, bandage, soak, swim during initial healing time (about two weeks). If it itches, wash and moisturize to soothe it. Once any flaking or peeling is complete, use a moisturizer of your choice as the skin restores itself. Which leads to…
DO NOT tan or expose your tattoo to direct sunlight for 4-6 weeks. You may begin to use sunblock on your tattoos after the initial 4-6 weeks period to help protect them from degradation through sun exposure.
If you have a job where your healing tattoo will be compromised or are going to continue a workout routine while healing a tattoo please be mindful of how easy exposure is and how dirty gym equipment is. Always clean and moisturize your tattoo on any available break and before and after your workout.
Beware pets and babies! From dander to curiosity, they inherently invade a comfortable healing process. Mind your sheets and generally keep your healing tattoo protected.