Welcome to the site!

Welcome to blackbirdbodyart.com

I am proud to launch an online presence to better suit the needs of current and potential clients!


This article section will serve as a space to share my professional perspective and opinions on everything from procedure to etiquette. My hope is that in writing these articles, I’ll be able to lead my clients in a responsible and informed manner toward better healing, aftercare and enjoyment of their artwork. Along the way, I hope to sell a bit of branded merchandise, and in the near future, limited runs of prints and original artworks as well.

This is only the beginning. I hope to further expand and welcome other NWA artists and designers into Blackbird Art Collective as time goes on. With a direct goal to support local music and art in the NWA region, the ultimate aim of this site is to explore and partner with regional creators to solidify a community. If you are interested in collaborating, please get in touch!


What is a tattoo?